Thursday, May 12, 2016

T-shirt Time (?) (!)

Watching TV recently and saw someone wearing a T-shirt similar to this one and thus began an internet search to see where I could get one. Yes, found it!  There were other colors, styles and various cancer-related messages but since "remission" is my new favorite word I just might talk myself into an overpriced T with a meaningful message.
I've always been partial to that smiley face thing so this shirt is my preference. However, I'll take a pass on the tattoo.

  This other one is tempting, for those days I don't wanna be nice. 
Because cancer isn't.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A New Year, A New Chapter

Where did the time go? TWO years of 'maintenance' treatments (a Rituxan infusion every eight weeks) are now behind me. Next month is another CT scan to check the status of my cancer followed a week later by an appointment with my oncologist to learn the results; in other words am I still in remission -- or not?