Monday, July 1, 2013

Now you see it -- now you don't

Today my brother was up here again, this time with his wife, their youngest daughter and her two daughters (3 years & 7 weeks). I guess after he left last week he decided there was one more thing he needed to do. Can you see what it is?



Much better with the sprouts of the trash cherry tree removed! The daisies, which are just starting their bloom, really pop out now. Hopefully, after the weather cools down a bit and the wind stops blowing, some well-applied Roundup to the remaining shoots will encourage the stump to shut down production and not kill off the oak tree in the process.

As the green waste recycle can was already mostly full with weeds I'd pulled last week, it got overfilled with some of the tree sprouts and then the rest of them completely filled up the back of my little truck. To reduce the number of trips to the 'green waste' section of the landfill I've found it's more efficient to cut limbs and branches and such into smaller pieces so that more will fit into the truck. I declared that was my job this afternoon. Too bad it was 100+ degrees today.  

Due to a C-Dr appointment* this afternoon (more on that tomorrow) I wasn't able to complete the job but I understand it was soon finished. 

While I was gone preparations for dinner were started. Monday is "Pizza Night" at my brother's place so my sister-in-law brought up some of the fixins' and made the dough and cooked up our meal.  Their granddaughter is helping to put the ham on this pizza and she did a good job, even getting more on the pizza than in her mouth.

Other nearby family members were notified and showed up for a great meal of homemade pizza. One of my sisters supplied some freshly grilled asparagus and the other brought red potato salad. Yum Yum.
Thanks again to a good and great family for your support and caring.

*vitals were taken again this visit but when the information was sent to me I was at first alarmed to see my temperature, compared to previous visit, was up by 2 degrees!  Didn't take me long to remember I'd been outside in that 100+ misery for over 2 hours. A scary example and reminder of affect of heat on core body temperature and especially that even though you may feel cooler your body hasn't yet cooled down.  Of course it didn't help either that during the 15 minute trip to Dr office the A/C in my car (sits outside, not garaged) only got the interior cool just as I got to the parking lot...and snagged the only shady spot available.

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1 comment:

  1. I think after Shawn was born, my room at the hospital was freezing! So, I got up and put on my robe and then got under the blankets, whilst holding a new bundle. When the nurse came to take my temp, it was right at 100, so I had to unbundle and let it go down before they would let me go home. :-). Glad you all got to have pizza nite! Miss it :-)
