Thursday, October 17, 2013

4th & Goal

Title of this post? Well, it is football season. I don't follow any teams. I don't watch football games, on TV or in person. I don't tailgate, although that part of the obsession makes my mouth water.

In this 4th round of chemo my goal is to not use the Senna-S tablets.

As described here to determine if the Senna-S is the reason for the funky feeling I get, and the result that it most likely was...I'm hoping to avoid completely that funky feeling I get by avoiding a need for the Senna-S tablets. And, like last month it will require some advance planning of high fiber foods and food combinations. Golly, could it be possible?

Chemo-caused constipation causes concern constantly.

Plenty of chili, whole wheat bread, etc. already in my larder. Some Fruit Snacks from Sam's Club were part of the equation, and fun to eat. Next stop was a trip to the grocery store to stock up on fresh fibrous fruits and veggies (pineapple, cantaloupe-in-season!, grapes, broccoli, etc.). As a bonus Fiber One snack bars (which I've never had before) to use as dessert or snack were on sale and I had coupons!
Used all my coupons and picked up a variety to see how well flavors compared to the advertising and if I'd find a new favorite of something. Oh my goodness, the Lemon Bar flavor? Score!

As for the Senna-S tablets? Well, maybe I should have read this about the "Side Effects" section earlier. After reading it now my thinking is perhaps, like a good detective, I'm on to something.

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1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmm....Lemon bars. I need to try those. Looks like I'll be getting some of those next time I'm out. :)
