Friday, January 24, 2014

Life Goes On-UNhappy Anniversay-Jan. 24

One year ago today the day started with this:
A rare storm that had ICE coating everything.

It was a treacherous drive in to work.
But that wasn't the worst of it.

One year ago today I was notified, after 38 years, my job description and position had been eliminated and the next day would be my last day of employment.

This is the next day, even though it looks the same...a storm repeat: 

At the time I thought that job loss was the worst thing that could happen to me. Boy, was I wrong! Perhaps it was a way of preparing me for the far worse thing to come along? However, it's nice to get this "first" over with. Many more of these so-called anniversary 'firsts' yet to come in 2014.

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  1. There is always a "before" and an "after" following a monumental event. I have a good friend whose dear husband passed away nearly 2 1/2 years ago. For her there is "before Mike died" and after. Another friend will approach the one year mark in march of her son's death in a tragic car accident, but first will come his birthday in Feb. for her it's before "the accident" and after.

    1. Yup; you know it's coming and see it looming but 'tis nice to finally get the 'first' (whatever it be) over with.
