Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Life Goes On - April Fool's Day

Remember the commercial from years ago with the famous line: 
"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature"
So...what about when Mother Nature fools us?
especially considering today's date!
You can't tell from this picture, but it's snowing very hard!

Could be worse...
snow sticking to the pavement, or
3 feet of the flaky stuff instead of 3 inches, or
east winds causing it to drift, or
super cold temperatures causing icy roads, or
---oh my gosh---
just saw a very large (pregnant?) robin hopping though the melty snow on the patio outside the door...brrr, but she found and gulped down a worm, so it's not worse for her! (and my camera not handy, dang.)

Okay, lesson learned -- it could be better too...
this water is easing our drought, or
needed 'free' moisture as irrigation water delayed until April 15, or
______________________ (you fill in the blank)

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