Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Couch Potato Day #2

Just like my first Couch Potato Day today is again 'prep' day for my second PET scan.

Here are the instructions sent from the hospital:

I've known about this appointment for nearly two months and in that time have been hoping and praying there would be no snowstorms this week until after the scan is completed.
Here's why: during my first PET scan experience one of the radiology techs, as they were explaining the procedure and the importance of needing to rest the day before and also resting about 60 minutes after the IV injection of FDG (Fluoro Deoxyglucose) and its purpose in identifying cancerous or cells repairing damaged tissue during the scan, told me about a guy who had been in several months before during a snow storm. The scan results showed almost all of his body 'glowing' which is not good ('glow' usually indicates bad cellular activity) and caused some alarm. I asked if it was due to white knuckle driving on his way to the exam they said "No" and explained while it had been snowing for several days before this guys PET scan they'd discovered he had been out shoveling all that time instead of 'couch potato-ing' like he should have been. All his shoveling efforts had put strain on his muscles and the body was still in 'muscle repair mode' that showed up on his scan. I breathed a sigh of relief that day since it was June and I hadn't needed to deal with snow and clearing it off my acres of driveway and sidewalks. Now you know why this week I've been extremely grateful for the rain we've had the past few days and the snow that has fallen way up in the mountains where it belongs! keep things interesting, for the past two days my mother has been sick and I've not gotten the sleep I should have and am hoping this time her P&P (don't ask) is of short duration so I can get the the mental relaxation called for in those instructions above. Last night I got into bed about 2:00am but then stayed up watching on TV (counts as 'rest' to me...?bed potato?) some Curling events from the Olympics--my goal is to figure out better how that game is played. Anyway, as I could hear mom up and walking around this morning I slept in late and so my breakfast/lunch was a yummy steak (my reward treat!) with a side of cheese. Dinner will probably be some hot dogs, since the chicken is still frozen, and a green salad. Currently working on my second 44 ounce glass of water. I'm floating!

While I would really, really, really like the PET scan results to show no cancer activity whatsoever, my guess is there will still be activity showing but less than the original scan. How much less? I'm hoping for something like "significant" rather than "moderate" but won't find out until a week from tomorrow at next regular appointment with my oncologist immediately followed by my first "maintenance" chemotherapy.

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1 comment:

  1. MEN. Haha. Here's to rest time, more rain, and asking the nearby nephew to shovel any snow. Luv you!
