Friday, February 14, 2014

PET scan #2

Yesterday (Feb 13th) was my PET scan re-scan. This time around I know what to expect so am more relaxed than I was back in June when I had the first one. That's a good thing.

I woke up to a "chirp" from the smoke alarm on the main floor at the top of the basement stairs. Dang. I did not set my wake-up alarms with enough extra time to change a battery and especially not extra time to haul in the cheap (and heavy) knock-off Little Giant ladder from the garage to get that annoying chirping stopped. This particular smoke alarm is on a 10-foot high ceiling so battery swap outs are done only when needed, and fortunately this is the only one at that height! This task will have to wait until I return.

Look! No Snow!!
Once again there was plenty of parking in this section, so I did...
Because I Am One.

Is it a bad thing that a procedure you've only gone through once before feels routinely 'normal' as it's being done for just the second time? That's the sense I felt during this repeat experience: kind of a "no big deal" but also knowing it IS a big deal. It was just a weird feeling I had during the whole process. I certainly don't want to get used to all these procedures, BUT I also know that they will be a way of life now: the New Normal of my life as a cancer patient.

Here's the original PET scan post from last June. It was deja-vu, without the nerves. (Except this time there is no upcoming bone marrow biopsy, for which I'm extremely grateful!) After checking in at 9:10am by the time everything was completed I was back in my car before 11:00am.

I'll get the results of this PET scan next week at my regular C-Dr/infusion appointment on Thursday. My wish is a 'negative' on active cancer cells, however my gut instinct feels there will still be some hanging around. One more week to wait for the outcome of Wish vs Gut cancer match.

On my return home I picked up the heavy ladder and sprinted (NOT) up the garage stairs with it into the house. That effort accomplished, it was left leaning against a wall so I could hunt up the newest package of replacement battery. Interesting. Something was different now. This morning's chirping alarm was now totally and completely silent. And stayed that way the rest of the night. I think this why:

p.s. Well, the non-chirping quiet and blissful silence lasted until Saturday morning. Ladder climbed. Battery replaced. Heavy ladder returned to garage. And, no, I don't change all (9!) of my smoke alarm batteries every 6 months. Do you?

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1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if I've EVER heard any of ours chirp during the day. It's a conspiracy I tell ya ;-)
