Friday, October 25, 2013

Life Goes On - Dental Deja Vu Doo

At my previous routine dental appointment last May a 'deep' cavity was found, and filled. It was hoped that was all that would be needed. Ya, that may be a clue.

Two nights ago at dinner I take a bite of hot chicken and while chewing it just about go through the roof as the food hits a very sensitive spot on either 'that' tooth or a tooth in the vicinity. After the OUCH comes the ACHE. Been down this road several years ago and am hoping this simply a one-time event.
Tonight I'm enjoying a dish of ice cream (after dinner treat which has proven to be very soothing during Chemo Week) and while savoring it just about go through the roof -again- as it hits a very sensitive spot on either 'that' tooth or tooth in the vicinity. After the OUCH comes the ACHE. Like I said: been down this road before and realize this is most likely not a one-time event.

Root Canal? What else can happen this year?! Decided to be careful where I chew food and see what happens over the next several days. Desperately hoping it will pass. Hoping... Hoping... Hoping...

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