Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PET scan

Yup.  That's about right.

Doing a PET scan, along with upcoming bone marrow biopsy, is part of the 'staging' process to help the C-Dr determine my treatment plan. This is a combination scan as a CT scan is also done at the same time.

First the IV for an injection of FDG (flourodeoxyglucose - a radioactive drug).  Then after 45 minutes or so resting (in an uncomfortable la-z-boy type chair) to allow the drug to seep through my body it's time for a ride in the 'tube' with a pillow under my head, arms stretched out behind my head and a support under my knees.  Exactly 22 minutes later I'm finished...with this procedure anyway.

note:  all comments are moderated and will not show up immediately.


  1. "The tube." LOL! I love it! Great picture too. Did you take that?

    1. Katie- so far all pictures, images, cartoons etc. have been 'lifted' from the internet.

  2. Was there any noise in the "the tube"?
    How do you feel after the FDG?

    1. Debbie- there was actually almost no noise during the PET scan, the movement of the table I was laying on made more noise than the machine itself. In fact the machine for the CT scan (I had last month) made A LOT more noise than this.

      As for the FDG, I watched it go in my IV but felt nothing then or anytime later. Oddly, the iodine they put in me for the CT scan last month did have some really weird sensations.

  3. Glad you're not claustrophobic?

    1. Despite my, ummm...'girth' it was roomier inside than I'd expected. And fortunately I'm not claustrophobic but imagine for some people it could be bad.
