Sunday, June 23, 2013


Fri. June 21, 2013

>> This afternoon I tried to get the file of my smartphone recording at the 'cancer Dr' office to transfer to my PC but was unsuccessful.  There's a way I'm sure, but it will have to happen when I'm not in such a rush.
>> For the past several years, every Friday night, my sisters and our mother and I get together and do scrapbooking stuff.  My two sisters are waaaay more into the scrapbook stuff than me but it's been good family time.
>> Tonight, after we ate our dinner, I replayed the recording of the conversation the C-Dr and I had yesterday.  Much easier than trying to remember and repeat what he said.  Not a lot of questions from the group, but I think the C-Dr's excellent explanation to me of where I'm at and where we're headed was sufficient for the moment.  There was one glitch, and the reason I was trying to get the recording to my PC.  Even at my phone's loudest volume Mom couldn't hear what the C-Dr was saying so she got her own replay afterward and listened with the speaker up to her ear...and the rest of us heard it again too.  Not necessarily a bad thing (hearing twice what C-Dr said, that is).

>> Since my visit with C-Dr on Thursday I've also decided that only family will be 'in' on this until my return visit to him when there will be more information, especially the stage of the NHL and future treatment options.  I'm so concerned about the ease with which so many people engage in speculating, gossiping and rumor-mongering, especially when it comes to bad news and I guess want as much control over that as possible.  My family has agreed to keep this in the family at the moment and I appreciate that.

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