Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Time Line: Lump to Diagnosis

first part of April 2013.
>> Laying on couch watching TV and feel a lump under my left jaw.  No matching mass on the right side.  Maybe it's just a swollen gland that will go away?  Keep checking every few days...still there.

April 16, 2013
>> Ugh. Lump still there.  Call my regular family physician (who's always booked up solid) and learn no appointment is available until the end of May.  Set appointment.

end of April 2013
>> Double-Ugh. Lump is still there, although not growing in size, but I'm getting nervous about waiting another month before getting it looked at.  Do the social media thing and hit Facebook asking if anyone can recommend a good family practice physician and a few names are suggested.

Thur. May 9, 2013
>> After pondering Dr options an appointment with new (to me) family practice Dr. was setup for today.  As his nurse gathers my information she seems surprised I still have all my original body parts, have had no surgeries, and except for my severe case of 'white coat' during BP (blood pressure) readings and the obvious weight problem, have been healthy.  At first Dr thinks it may be a blocked saliva gland, but then after probing around a bit more decides it's a swollen lymph node--No, I haven't been sick lately; No, I haven't had any fevers; No, I haven't had any infections; No, I haven't had any toothaches, etc.  First treatment option is a prescription for antibiotics in case it's just an infection and a return to the Dr in five days to re-evaluate.

Tue. May 14, 2013
>> Both Dr and I see no change in swollen lymph node.  Dr schedules a CT scan for this afternoon.
>> Well, here we go.
>> During the CT scan process I'm thinking about my nephew who has just graduated with some kind of a Radiology degree (sorry I don't have specifics) and I'm guessing this is what he's been learning and doing. Imagining he is the person doing this, and hoping he inserts IV's as wonderfully as this guy does, keeps my mind occupied and eventually it's all done.  Results will be sent to my new Dr.

Sat. May 16, 2013
>> Dr. calls and says CT scan shows an enlarged lymph node and he's referring me to an ENT.  Within an hour I get a phone call that an appt w/ENT is set for May 21st.

Mon. May 20, 2013
>> Over the weekend I receive a Summons for Jury Service indicating my term is from May 21st to 23rd but need to call on 20th, after 4pm to see if I need to show up on 21st.  Make the call to recorded message and am told to report to the District Court at 8:30am the next morning.  Oh, great.  Call the clinic and explain why I need to change Dr appt and it's rescheduled to Friday. As it turns out I was selected as one of the jurors and spend 2 days doing my civic duty.

Fri. May 24, 2013
>> After explaining ("Why are you here?") ENT Dr and I look at the CT scan as he tries to explain what he's seeing (how can they 'see' anything?!) but is not sure he's seeing same thing the radiology person did.  So, in comes the ultrasound machine and after gooping up my neck and jaw ENT does see a large fluid filled mass. After probing around he decides to do a needle biopsy and gets some fluid out but would prefer another sample using a larger needle "because you did so good, do you mind?"  Only after I said okay did I take a peek at the size of the needle he wanted to use.  I survived.  Somehow.
>> Tells me lab reports will likely just show lymphocytes, because that's what's in lymph nodes, but he's going to get me scheduled in to the surgical center for removal of lymph node and get a proper biopsy.  Warns me there is a nerve affecting mouth that runs along the area he needs to access and hopes that nerve can be avoided.

Wed. June 5, 2013
>> Pre-op appointment goes well.  ENT Dr confirms pathology found lymphocytes but nothing suspicious in the sample they received.  He explains a bit about worst-case-scenario and the two different types of cancerous lymphomas but says only pathology can determine result.  He also says if he cannot get entire node removed (because of nerve) he'll take a frozen section but we're both hoping he only needs to 'go in' once and not have to go back later to remove the rest if report is bad.  In other pre-op evaluation ENT Dr is also surprised I have all my original body parts, no prior surgeries, etc. Oh, and this surgery will be done under a general anesthesia which I've never had. One more thing to worry about.

Mon. June 10, 2013
>> Survived the anesthesia!
>> On the way home my driver/chauffeur sister says ENT told her what he removed looked suspicious (or similar type scary words).
>> LOVE Lortab! Afternoon spent watching TV.
>> A good night's sleep.  Thanks Lortab!

Tue. June 11, 2013
>> Love Lortab!
>> Today, a different driver/chauffeur sister takes me (ya, the Lortab affect) for return to ENT to have drain tube removed.  After his nurse took it out she asked if I wanted to see it.  Silly me.  I said yes.  Good grief!!  The 1/8" of tube you could see on the outside of my neck was nearly 3" long.  ;-) Lortab.
>> ENT Dr tells me he was able to remove the entire lymph node (whew), but he can see there is some minor nerve damage to mouth. There is? Sure enough, as I look in the mirror and smile it's a very lopsided smile but while prognosis is that it should slowly improve he may want to see me again in a month.
>> As for the lymph node he tells me what he told my sister and says the pathology report will tell him for certain what it is but is taking a proactive route and asks his nurse to get me an appointment with an oncologist he highly recommends.  I agree with what she said to me: "I'll bet that's not the news you wanted to hear is it?"
>> Love Lortab!
>> Nurse called me the next day and my appointment with 'cancer Dr' is June 20th.

Thu. June 13, 2013
>> Phone call this morning from office of 'cancer Dr'.  They're requesting my email to send me information so I can start filling out all the forms needed for my file and prior to first visit.  Wait all day but no email from them.

Fri. June 14, 2013 - Flag Day
>> Call 'cancer Dr' office and they had my email wrong.  Forms resent.
>> After being on pins and needles for several days while waiting...ENT Dr calls late afternoon.  He has pathology report and it shows positive for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Cancer.  I'll get full copy of report at my appt on Tuesday.
>> It's a red-flag day now.

June 16-19, 2013
>> weekend spent filling out medical and personal information forms -- with information I'd expect, and some information I wouldn't.
>> So grateful for Stake Conference this weekend and with no regular Sunday meetings I hide out at home and I'm extremely glad there's no need to explain what happened to my neck, which is still covered in tape strips covering up dried blood and holding the incision closed.
>> Have decided to notify my immediate family of the diagnosis once I have the full report, and that also provides me time to come to grips with a life-changing...well, change.

Tue. June 18, 2013
>> Post-op appointment with ENT.  He removes the tape over the incision and skin has healed up completely.  Says he can see improvement in my smile so a previously suggested follow-up with him in one month not necessary, unless improvement stops.
>> I get that hard copy of the pathology report.  Tell the ENT Dr I appreciate all he has done but it must be hard delivering such news and he says while it's part of his job it is difficult when he has to tell people as nice as me.  My thoughts are he says that to everyone but I needed that little boost as it allows me to leave the office without totally crumbling.
>> Out to the car where I read through entire pathology report and finally seeing "Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma" in print is a stark reality check.  The rest of the report? Gibberish to me.
>> Next Step: notification to family (Mom, siblings, nieces & nephews) of the results.

1 comment:

  1. Comics are a great touch! Admire your ability to seek humor in such a hard circumstance. Love you!
