Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ChemoDay#2 - round#6 - CELEBRATION!!

Today is final chemotherapy infusion/treatment! Everyone is excited for me. After visit with Vitals Gal it's straight to the infusion room where I select my 'the chair' for the morning. Here's my view. Take note of the bell on the left side of the entrance.
Again, I won't bore you with routine infusion details of ChemoDay#2. The days routine-ness by now was like all the others. Believe me.

Well, almost like all the others. Just before my Bendamustine chemo bag ran out the infusion nurse came in and brought me a Celebration gift!

Another thing not shown before is when the Huber needle and IV access stuff is removed and a small dressing placed over the Port. The dressing can be removed about an hour later and there is little or no blood on it. Believe me.

With the dressing in place I'm free to leave...
But...FIRST...see the sign below?

"final treatment"
"the bell"

And ring it I did. With claps and cheers from other patients and staff!

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