Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Life Goes On - Ring & Run #12

Dec. 24
Wonderful gift tonight.
Wonderful experience these past 12 days.

This is absolutely beautiful (more so in person than my picture here).
I love the serenity in the faces of Mary & Joseph.
I love its simplicity.
I love what it represents.

Dec. 23
All set for 2014!

Dec. 22
Definitely "haloed" angels are coming by each night.

Dec. 21
Movie Night coming up!

Dec. 20
Even through the cellophane it smells wonderful.

Dec. 19
Perfect. My kitchen needs a holiday touch.

Dec. 18
Time to read.

Dec. 17
Seeing double today.
(see ChemoDay#2 - round#6 - CELEBRATION!!)
Too funny.

Dec. 16
My mother loves sparkly, shiny ornaments.

Dec. 15
'Ole Blue Eyes & Friends

Dec. 14

Dec. 13
We've been targeted.
Answered the doorbell tonight to find this on the porch!

note:  all comments are moderated and will not show up immediately.


  1. Always fun to be targeted in this way isn't it?

    1. a first for me! and, yes, it is fun...especially the curiosity of what will show up next.

  2. I love one-piece nativities. That one is beautiful. :) I'm glad you got a twelve days of Christmas done to you.

  3. I love that nativity too. Dad loves nativities where Mary is holding the baby...me too.
