Sunday, December 8, 2013

Life Goes On - Ugh

Beginning yesterday afternoon and continuing through the night and morning, the dreaded snows of winter finally came in storm strength and a depth deep enough requiring removal. It didn't help that temperatures have been below 30 degrees F the past week so the concrete was cold and welcomed the flakes and let them pile up without melting.

Decided last night that clearing the driveway would just waste snow blower gas/oil, and whatever additional snow got dumped overnight wouldn't be so much the blower couldn't handle it. At least I hoped so. Mostly it was just too dang cold! So bright and early drug myself out of a warm bed and bundled up to face the elements of winter.

Very glad I have this:

So I don't have to do this:

Because at 7:00 in the morning the job looked like this:

And might have required this:

No 'before' or 'after' pictures because I forgot to use this:

However, did get just enough of the driveway cleared and 'road snow' at the bottom removed to get the car out, before time ran out, in order to shower and dress and otherwise get ready for church. 
The remainder of driveway will need to be done later, and sadly, since it's so cold that dang snow will still be there!

Life Goes On.
Even though Winter technically isn't even here yet.
I'm very much looking forward to Spring.

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