Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CHECKing In, CHECKing Out - Endoscopy

Set 4 alarms Monday night for 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, & 5:45am = CHECK

Go to bed early = CHECK

Toss and turn until 2:00am = CHECK

Hit shower at 5:50am = CHECK

Call driver, as promised, at 6:00am = CHECK
(she's dressed & ready, up since 5:00am stressed about sleeping in)

Leave for hospital at 6:30am = CHECK

Register and pay deposit for my copay of procedure costs = CHECK

7:10am - go to endoscopy section and check in = CHECK

Wait = CHECK

RN calls us to room, finds jumbo hospital gown for me = CHECK

RN does vitals; verifies paperwork forms; inserts IV = CHECK

Wait = CHECK

Wait some more = CHECK

Get escort about 8:00am to room where Endoscopy is done = CHECK
(looked very similar to this image lifted from internet)

Lay down on uncomfortable bed (above) & see the 'snake' = CHECK

Get hooked up: BP, heart, oxygen monitors...& nasal oxygen = CHECK

Tubes everywhere, try to avoid laying on them = CHECK

Wait = CHECK

Chat with 2 endoscopy nurses = CHECK

Wait = CHECK

Stare at ceiling = CHECK

Wait = CHECK

Look at clock, about 8:30am = CHECK

Dr arrives, Q&A, explains procedure, then leaves = CHECK

Wait = CHECK

Look at clock, about 8:40am = CHECK

Dr returns, lay on my left side, nurses insert mouthguard = CHECK

Watch room go fuzzy = CHECK

?? minutes of ???  =  CHECK

Wake up in recovery, keep eyes closed for a while = CHECK

Look at clock, about 9:25am = CHECK

Probably mumble dumb stuff until fog lifts from brain = CHECK

Nurse raises bed and me to sitting position, watch room spin = CHECK

Others turn to WAIT while I get head back in gear = CHECK

Dr comes in with scope pictures, try to be alert = CHECK

Recovery nurse seems in hurry to get me gone. Plueeez! = CHECK

Change back to street clothes = CHECK

Wheelchair arrives, wobble over and plop into seat = CHECK

Nurse offers a drink, I'll take a Sprite! = CHECK

NASCAR experienced orderly wheels me to pickup point = CHECK

10:00am, chauffeur sister pulls in and we're outta here = CHECK

Stop at gas station, me pay to fill up chauffeur sister's car = CHECK

'Since we're in the vicinity' craft store stop for chauffeur sister = CHECK

A.C. drive-thru:  caramel milkshake for me & lunch for sister = CHECK
(odds of finding picture on internet of our town's A.C.?!)

10:45am - Home!! = CHECK

The Price Is Right, Noon News, Internet surfing = CHECK

Toothpicks to hold eyes open = CHECK

1:30pm, to bed and give in to after-affects of sedation = CHECK
(and/or combination of sleep shorted night before?)

6:30pm, make casserole for dinner = CHECK

Survived another procedure = CHECK

pray for patience until C-Dr appt next Monday = CHECK

note:  all comments are moderated and will not show up immediately.


  1. You are so creative in your reportings. Check another test off your list and lets hope for good results.

  2. Remember to read blog Check!
    Enjoy reading blog. Check!
    Give air hugs to Auntie who is keeping sense of humor through not fun procedures. Check!
    Admire auntie for sense of humor. Check!
    * high fives!*. Check!

  3. You're so fun Auntie. I love caramel shakes too! Mmmmmm...
