Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chemo Day #2

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Let's get the day started!

Once again all vitals are taken (weight, temperature, BP, pulse, respiration) and then off to the infusion room. Plop into a chair that faces the windows to get a different view today. Although windows are on the east the sun is up far enough it's not a problem, but is too bright for others who sit in the other east facing chair for a moment and then move to an opposite side chair. Thought I'd be able to watch the freeway traffic but when I sat down my view was too low and saw only the tops of semi-trailers. Note to self: maybe there's not so much to see after all.

View from my chair today:

Again, my port is prepared for the IV.
At home, about 30 minutes before leaving, I put on a deadening creme over the port area and then use a 3" or 4" piece of Press n Seal to keep the creme in place. When the nurse is ready she wipes off the creme and then does the antiseptic before inserting the needle into the port. I think the deadening creme works a little but it's still a bit uncomfortable for a few minutes.

Today I only get one of the chemo, which I was told yesterday would take about an hour to infuse, but there are also two different pre-meds which will add another hour to my time today. First pre-med is the Benedryl again, but today it didn't make me nearly as drowsy as it did yesterday. Second pre-med is the 'dex' which is completed in about 20 minutes and then I move on to the Bendamustine which takes another hour.

With the shorter infusion time today I only brought the book I'd started yesterday to read and time went quickly.

I also had lots of birthday wishes today from nearly all the office staff and from other infusion patients as they heard too. Kinda fun. Well, not the reason I was there but it certainly made it a memorable birthday at a time in life when it's just as easy, or preferred, to forget them!

In at 9:20am, out at 12:15pm.

On to home where I catch up on emails, internet surfing and then change tasks to getting overly long lawn mowed and mess around with sprinklers and dry lawns.

Have to remind some family members I'm not an invalid, I feel good (so far) and when if and when I do need help with something I'll be asking.

Two more Senna-S tablets tonight since the one last night didn't do its job. Yuk.

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  1. I think this whole process is fascinating and I'm so grateful you're willing to teach me and share your perspective. Love vibes are being sent your way.
