Monday, July 15, 2013

Of Course... x2

Of Course #1
I'm a night owl and should learn to never celebrate a late morning schedule for a medical procedure.* The office of the Dr doing my EUS called this morning to change the time for tomorrow. Seems odd, but first they asked if it would be okay, then needed to verify with the Dr, then called back to confirm. Suppose I could have said 'No' to their first question, but getting this done and over with trumped sleeping in. I may re-think that last sentence tomorrow. So, instead of being at the hospital at a nice leisurely 11:15am we (my driver and I) need to be there at 7:15AM! This might be more an issue for my driver than me (she just may stay up all night) but we're both the night owl type so it will be interesting. Now it means we leave here at 6:30am and for me, getting up at 5:30am. Early birds reading this are probably laughing their heads off, but hey, as the other half of the world we can say we greet the new day well before them (we're still up at 12:01am) as maybe we get the last laugh...but not tomorrow.

Of Course #2
Called the hospital today to do the pre-registration thing they requested.  Name, birth date, insurance info, yada yada yada, AND, of course, a request for my email so they can send me a medical history form to fill out, save online, and print out to take in with me tomorrow. Ugh, more forms. Sadly, my guess there are many more medical/history forms still to fill out in my near future. Yippee [snark].

*same thing happened for my surgery; a call the day before moved it from 11:30am to 10:00am and then the morning of surgery a really early morning call changing the time to 8:00am.

note:  all comments are moderated and will not show up immediately.


  1. Ha ha! You will be leaving before me. I leave usually around 7:00. Traffic should be pretty good at 6:30

    When did you change the name of this blog?

    1. blog name changed a few weeks ago-the first was more temporary than permanent since Blogger doesn't allow that field to be empty.

  2. Rise and shine!! :P. yeah, me too
