Tuesday, July 2, 2013


So yesterday was the visit with the C-Dr for results of the PET scan and bone marrow biopsy, both of which are done as part of the 'staging' process to determine treatment.  I think I was expecting to hear what that treatment would be. Well, not so fast.

There was, let's say, an assortment of 'news' in those results.
The good news?  Says the doc: "Your bone marrow biopsy is fine. No cells for of lymphoma."  I can use some good news!

As for the PET scan. It did show activity at my left jaw/neck area where the lymph node was removed and that activity was expected as part of the body's healing process from the surgery. It also showed another swollen lymph node in that area with cancer cell activity, but C-Dr says it is small and not yet a size he worries about.

PET scan also showed 'intense activity' in the center part of my chest, an area I can't pronounce or spell, but it is where my esophagus is. Says the doc: "Now that could be lymphoma or it could be something totally unrelated that we've caught on a PET scan. So what I need to do is have someone look in there. This doesn't diagnose anything. It says there's something abnormal there. Check it out. So that's what we're gonna do." Oh great. Another procedure. As the discussion continues, and to shorten a long story, we discover the same Dr. who did my colonoscopy several years ago is his preferred choice for doing the Endoscopic Ultrasound as he is one of only a few in our state qualified to also do a specialized biopsy at the same time. So, while my C-Dr is on vacation the next 2 weeks (he deserves one!) it's hoped this can get scheduled with the gastroenterologist doc and have results by the time he returns.  If there's any good news to this it's that there's no 'prep' like is done for the colon scope thing, but that doesn't relieve my anxiety about the endoscopy itself.

So, the results appointment resulted in more results needing to be determined by another procedure. Ugh.

Still nothing really to report, so I'm asking that family continue to keep this within the family.

The remainder of the day was rescued by a yummy "Pizza Night" courtesy of Debbie, and all who were able to come up and enjoy it.

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  1. I have a friend that has to have an endoscopy ( and colonoscopy!) once a year. She says it makes your throat sore for a few days, so have some favorite softer foods ready to go. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  2. It was good to visit and have pizza together. Let's hope for ALL good news next time.

  3. Charlie had the endoscopy when he was high schoolish age. Good thing is you get to sleep thru this one also.
