Friday, August 9, 2013

This Is What Happens When...

...plastic gets cooked.

Which made me wonder--do all the cancer cells in my body have a similar twisted and funky look before chemo cooks them? Or does the chemo make them more twisted and funky than they already are? Those were the questions I asked myself after I saw this poor little radio today.
At one time it didn't look like this. At one time I didn't have Cancer.

Because it doesn't get used much I decided to hop in my little blue-but-not-so-much-anymore-because-it-needs-a-paint-job truck to run some errands today. Plunked all the errand-related stuff and papers on the passenger seat and proceeded on my way. Didn't notice the poor little 'cook'ed radio until later. A freebie from some demo or door prize or something many years ago, this little radio was also on the passenger seat and is always in the truck to be used instead of the truck radio (to save truck battery) when I'm working around the yard doing major tree trimming, cleanup, or large weeding projects. Sweet little trucks like mine fit in tight spaces around the yard. For some reason (!) in a house with enough garages to shelter five or maybe six vehicles there's currently only available space for two cars. And thus the reason this poor little truck sits outside come rain, sleet, sun, clouds, snow, hot or cold. This has been an exceptionally hot summer. Apparently hot enough to 'cook' and partially melt a once square and perpendicular little portable radio.

After thinking about it tonight, I've decided this little radio is either sympathizing with me and/or giving me a sign. You see, the last time I was in the truck, about 3 weeks ago, this little radio was perfectly fine. However, since then I've had my first round of chemotherapy treatments, whose job it is to destroy those stinker cancer cells in my body...and also since then this little radio got 'cook'ed. I'm hoping it's a sign, and that just like this little radio got destroyed, the same thing is happening to my cancer cells.

Doesn't look very happy does it? I suppose many of my good blood cells are unhappy too as chemo can also 'cook' and destroy some of them.

But it still made me laugh to see the power of Mother Nature, and this sad, mad, and grumpy faced little radio today.

I realized my little radio now looks like this "Mad Bluebird"!

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  1. The radio looks like it's winking. The bird doesn't. :)

  2. I LOVE that bluebird picture! I hope your cancer cells are getting warped!
