Saturday, September 21, 2013

Always On My Mind

Today's blog post title is not to be confused with the Willie Nelson song! (btw, great song.)

Although I don't "obsess" about having cancer in the form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma it is always on my mind, usually in the back of my mind, but always there. Some days less so. Some days more so. Tonight is a 'more so' night. Maybe because two days of chemo treatments happen again on Monday. Where did the last 4 weeks go?!

TV has been off all day, tonight the house is quiet (Mom is doing an online jigsaw puzzle in the room where her computer is) and the quiet is occasionally interrupted by a bunch of lively young people, and cars, in the church parking lot next door. I'm current on email, wasted time on Facebook where I'm more stalker than contributor, am avoiding looking at the pile of dishes that needs to be hand washed, and I've completed the assignments that need to be done for church tomorrow thus freeing up my laptop to do other stuff. As a result, thoughts in the back of my mind have raced to the front of my mind.

Googling...found a few new 'cancer blogs' and reading through them can put you in a seesaw of emotions. Most, however, I find uplifting and informative. I've bookmarked a few of tonight's new finds to the "C" folder on my toolbar and one day may even add them to a blog list on this blog. But not tonight. Not in the mood. There's ice cream in the freezer that's been calling my name and I'm going to answer!

Here's a Quick Read for you today.

And a rarity: a blog post posted the same day it was written.

Also, a reminder that...

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  1. A friend of mine from grade school has a 4 year old little boy with Leukemia. She has a blog, but is good at posting on Facebook, so I keep up with her there. So many people affected, always thinking of you and praying for you, even Rachel & Shawn remember when it's their turn ;-). (((Hugs)))

  2. I was just asking Bob if he knows how many rounds of chemo you will have. He didn't know. Do you? I hope you are doing okay after today's round. Still prayin' for you. :-)
