Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Junk Mail

Junk Mail is Junk Mail is Junk Mail, and I usually just shred it to oblivion.
This one? It got a reprieve long enough for a "say cheese" moment.

My awareness level of certain life events has been increased since June.
I've obviously become more sensitive to some things since June.

This piece took my breath away at first glance. Then I laughed...
...realizing all other mailbox's on the street got one too.

At least I hope they did.

note:  all comments are moderated and will not show up immediately.


  1. Took me a second to see what was so funny. Timing is everything isn't it? ;-)

  2. Interesting, I live across the street and didn't get one.

    1. Oh great. Now I'm back to conspiracy mode. ;-[
