Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Full House - ChemoDay#2 round#3

The twins who played Michelle were cute.
The days of men and their mullets.
But that's not the Full House for today.
That was many years ago, not today.

What a difference a day makes. Maybe today could have been called a rockin' day also, but it was more like a zoo! Thankfully this is my 'short' day that only requires about 2 hours in the chair.

After meeting with vitals tech gal for info she collects it was then directly in to the infusion room. There were already 4 people in there, and after I picked an open chair (the one I wanted to try was already taken), other patients just kept coming and coming. As nurse Lisa was setting up my IV's I commented to her that it was sure different from yesterday. In my now 6 visits here I think I've seen the calm, the storm and the in between. Anyway, both infusion nurses were here today and they were constantly on the move and usually running more than walking. IV pumps were beeping that needed their attention and often in chorus. If the afternoon was anything like this morning they earned their well deserved pay today.

By the time I remembered to get the 'my view today' snapshot both chairs across from me had patients in them so what I got was Lisa as she was getting supplies.

Since today is a short day I don't bring my big bag of keep busy supplies, usually just a book to read. Today that book was on my Nook and in spite of all the goings-on around me it was an interesting read that kept me glued to it. Yup, that's it and my stretched out feet in the pic on the left. Once both IV bags had emptied, I got the Heparin flush as the last of today's treatment (given by injection into the IV catheter to keep blood flowing and prevents clotting in my 'Port-a-cath'), and then the IV tube from the Port was removed. While those last steps were being done on me all 12 chairs were full of patients, and most of the available visitor chairs were full too, with visitors of course. I didn't stick around to see how quickly my chair was filled but if the morning was any clue it probably wasn't empty long.

Yup, it was a Full House today in the infusion room.

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