Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sticky Flies & Time Flies

Hate may be too strong a word for some people but I really hate this time of year when all those annoying 'sticky flies' turn into the pesky problematic pushy pests persistently psyching us out!

Fly Paper has never been an appealing solution to the problem either. Ick. 

How about this fashion statement? The solution found by this man apparently works well for the deer flies he has to deal with. Although my Dad wore these 'safari hats' around our cherry and apricot orchard (sans the can, of course)...I'll take a pass on this fly control method.

As for Time Flies? Apparently they do exist! Look at this--

However, as mentioned here I've experienced some strange dealings in relation to 'time' and since tomorrow is my Chemo Round#2 NADIR visit to C-Dr office I'm convinced once again that time flies. Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm happy it's going by fast, but there's so much I'm not getting done that I should be doing or think I need to get done. That's the rub.

My twisted humor delighted in finding this regarding TIME FLIES.

Then I saw this and decided it was a perfect to end for today's post.

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