Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Toxic Waste Dump

That's what I am. True.

Although I didn't get a picture until now, it was during chemo round#1 that I first noticed the scary warning (red arrow I added) on my IV bag of Rituxan and did a double-take. My IV bag of Bendamustine has the same warning. Golly, I shouldn't have been surprised or stunned or shocked or startled or stupefied; we all know 'chemo'therapy derives from "chemical." There was just something about seeing it 'live' and 'in person' that shakes you up just a tad. And is also the confirmation of why you feel so crappy as your body processes the toxins, which, just as a reminder are main-lined straight into my jugular vein via the Port.

And probably also why *TMI warning* for a week or so your pee and poop have an odd, strange odor I've never encountered before.

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