Friday, November 22, 2013

50 Years Ago Today

I was cancer free.

I was also a junior high student eating lunch with my friends when the loudspeaker in the cafeteria
crackled to life. Any midday announcement by the principal was extremely rare so once we realized it wasn't the principal speaking but instead a news announcer on a radio station we listened more carefully and eventually heard those stunning words that President Kennedy had been shot. Shortly after that was the news confirming that he was dead. It was a Friday and school remained in session the rest of the afternoon but each teacher could choose whether to listen to the news reports or do regular class. My PhysEd class was immediately after lunch and our teacher continued as if nothing was different, or she didn't care. We weren't sure, but the rest of classes were very quiet and somber as we either listened to the news or had discussion of the tragedy. It was definitely one of those rare events (like Sept 11, 2001) where you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing.

No school on Monday as that was the day of JFK's funeral and I do remember watching it on TV (back in the old B&W days). A very long day and a very somber day.

Life was much simpler back then, especially to a 14 year old.

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