Friday, November 8, 2013


Congratulations --
for your persistence in checking to see if there are any new posts!

"Congratulations" --
is what I'd like to hear from C-Dr at my next appointment on the 18th.

Next Monday, the 11th, I go back for a followup CT scan. After five months and four chemotherapy treatments this newest CT re-scan will compare the current size of the cancerous mass that surrounds my esophagus with the PET/CT scan done last June when that mass was first found. I'll get the results as part of the appointment on the 18th. The expectation, and hope, is the size of the mass is reduced.

Wish me luck.

p.s. there are posts 'under construction' and being worked on. Really.

note:  all comments are moderated and will not show up immediately.