Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Life Goes On - Wed. 11/6 - Root Canal pt 1

Oh goody. Here we go.

At home I took the antibiotic prescribed by my C-Dr before leaving for the dentist office. Much too quickly I'm escorted to the "Fishing" room (based on the decor).

Once Novocaine took effect the drilling & filing & shaping process began.

It didn't take long before I almost looked like this guy (below) as a **ZING** nearly sent me out of the chair. "Did you feel that?" the dentist asked and if he looked at my eyes he got the answer.
He started again and asked "Do you feel that?" and I shook my head 'No' so things continued...until he hit that same spot again. Apologies ensued and he restarted and "Do you feel that?" and I shook my head 'No' so things continued again...until...yup, he touched that same super sensitive spot again. So I got another punch of Novocaine and waited a bit for it to take effect and he started again. Not long before **ZING** spot was touched again. Dentist and assistant are stumped. As for me? I'm thinking if it's possible for this year to get any worse this might be why. They decide to get an x-ray to see if they could figure out the problem. After several attempts they're unable to get a picture of the part of the tooth they wanted so they start again. Not too long before **ZING** and another apology and then another shot of Novocaine to hopefully numb what obviously isn't very numb! Soon it's restart time again and things continue until...yup...**ZING** at which point dentist says "We're done for today!" and loads up the tooth with disinfectant and what ever else to close up what's been done. I'm just relieved to not have any more **ZING** to deal with. Profuse apologies by all, and a lot of sympathy as I leave and reschedule at their next available appointment a week from today to -hopefully- complete the Root Canal from, well, you know where.

My tooth and I need some TLC!

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  1. Omigosh! I was laughing so hard I was crying. Not because I think it's funny because you're in pain. Laughing because of the brilliant way you paint the picture, as if I'm watching a very funny comedy on tv. So sorry you have to go through it. Looking forward to reading on about how the 2nd appointment goes.
