Friday, November 1, 2013

Life Goes On - 11/1 - Long Day

Early this morning the dentist's office returned my call from yesterday and agreed that it would be best to have the dentist check out the tooth bothering me. So, while I'd really rather be anywhere else, at 11:00 this morning I'm sitting in a dental chair. Explaining the past week of hot/cold 'zings' the dentist then picks up his instrument and starts tapping around the tooth and I prepare for some 'zings' of great discomfort. Guess what? Nothing! We're both stumped. X-rays are then ordered to see if they can reveal the cause of my 'zings' but pictures they get aren't showing a problem. I'm beginning to question my sanity. After probing some more and another x-ray and reviewing the history and report of the deep cavity filled last May the dentist decides there is a 95% possibility that tooth is the problem and what I'm experiencing are early symptoms. At some point in time I'd also mentioned they need to add a line item to my health record about my recent diagnosis of NHL Cancer. After some discussion it's decided the dentist will go ahead and prep the tooth for a root canal. About halfway through the drilling he says "I'm 100% sure now this is the right tooth." At the point tools and fingers are out of my mouth I ask how he could tell and he says "Healthy teeth bleed; there's no blood." The prep work continues. Once completed the next trick is figuring out a schedule for root canal that coordinates with my treatment and Chemo Week (side effects) and such. Great. Root Canal will be done next week.

With that morning unpleasantness behind me I can move on to another task that needs to be done this afternoon.,


The Lawn Ranger.

I mow the lawn (because I've figured out how to safely maneuver the lawn tractor up and down the hilly areas of my fairly large yard).

I don't fertilize (because I haven't figured out how to do it sitting down in order to prevent more damage to my arthritic knees) so hire a lawn care company to do it for me.

I thought I'd done the final mowing of the season several weeks ago but in the time since then the lawn had been fertilized, aerated, and Mother Nature had also provided some much needed rain. Unfortunately that also meant the chlorophylled spiky stuff had grown too long for a disease-free over-wintering season (there I go again, too wordy and inventing words). Fortunately chemo treatments were last week so there's been some recovery time from the tiredness that comes with them, but not entirely as plans to also get the final edging done were scrapped in part due to time constraints but also wearing myself out. However, the weather was good today and it just felt great to be outside breathing in fresh air and doing something constructive.

This was the longest mowing season I can remember.
Started in March and ended in November!

My turn to prepare and cook dinner for our 'scrapping night' get together with my mom and sisters. Once everything was in oven it was panic piano practice time since I've been asked to play at the baptism of my niece's daughter tomorrow and I've put it off too long and need to get the rust out of my fingers. Not bad, well actually it was very bad and will need more hours tomorrow morning to get the two main songs perfected more.

Eat dinner and then do scrapbooking until about 11:00pm.

Yup, it was a Long Day.

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