Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wake Me Up & Turn Me Over

My C-Dr told me early on the biggest side effect I'd feel from the chemo is "tiredness." Of course he was correct although I was hoping he'd be wrong but there's a reason he earns the big bucks; I'm glad he does. Once again the good news is I was able to avoid the Senna-S tablets and with them the crappy, icky, gunky, funky, blah feeling that accompanied them; a definite case of the cure being worse than the side effect. The bad news is my lack of energy. Monday & Tuesday are okay, but by Wednesday I can feel the body winding down. At least I'm not down flat in bed all day; it's more like rest, take a shower, rest, get dressed, rest, make lunch, rest, check emails, rest, make dinner, rest, eat dinner, rest, load dishwasher, rest, fall into bed.

This is what Thursday, Friday & Saturday of Chemo Week is like for me:

Sometimes the most uncomfortable looking spot -- isn't.

Yup, not building any houses this week.

 But tell myself it's worth it as my cancer cells get 'beat' by the chemo.

Gotta love Snoopy.

You've seen this one before. It's still true.

So I do -- and find myself more horizontal than vertical.

This too shall pass.
Life Goes On.

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1 comment:

  1. I love the lion picture! Rest all you need, praying for you every day
