Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Life Goes On - 11/12 - Polished Teeth & Chemo Brain

I'm at the dentist office AGAIN! However this time it's just the routine cleaning appointment that was scheduled six months ago. Who'da thunk back then a two-part root canal would be book-ending this appointment?! Of course we all got some mileage out of the "Long time no see" comments from both sides of the chair. Other than the half-done root canal all other teeth were fine and I felt like a kid from the 1950's with the famous...

I'm going to play my Cancer Card. You see...
Chemo Brain is a real thing. It was mentioned back here during my Chemo Class. I'm fortunate that (so far) it hasn't been a problem. Really, it hasn't. But...this time I needed an excuse so I used it.

My former employer had setup a lot of meetings around the area for their retirees regarding the medical Open Enrollment period. Because of all my Cancer stuff I was very interested in what they had to say and if there were going to be any problems for me next year that I needed to prepare for. So, of the two meetings that were nearest to where I live one interfered with my CT scan in the morning but the second one in the afternoon fit my schedule perfectly. Unfortunately, I'd entered the wrong date in the calendar on my phone as Tuesday instead of Monday (yesterday). When I pulled out the paper to get the address I was shocked to see I'd missed my preferred meeting. Fortunately there was another one scheduled this afternoon -- 40 miles away. There were other meetings slightly closer in the days ahead but they ALL conflicted with dental appointments or chemotherapy! At least the weather was nice, traffic was light, and the location was easy to find. A pair of Walking Poles were available for everyone who attended. We were told 'freebies' have never been handed out at retiree meetings before this (I wouldn't know) so for my efforts I've got a pair of walking poles...still in the trunk of my car!

And so, Life Goes On.

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1 comment:

  1. I didn't know walking poles were a real thing. I've seen a couple people walking with what I thought was just a ski pole. I learned something new today.
