Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Life Goes On - Wed 11/13 -Root Canal pt 2

At yesterday's "routine" dental appointment the topic was as much about the Root Canal Follies as flossing and cleaning. In my best smiley face happy voice way I suggested industrial strength Novocaine fresh from the factory should be used and that he could numb both sides of my mouth from my eyebrows down to my shoulders. Whatever it would take. If this had been my first experience with a root canal it would be like all the bad jokes you hear, but I've had them before and they were no problem. Let the games begin.

Okay, I'll spare you all the drama.
What a difference!
No **ZING**s whatsoever!

In conclusion:

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  1. I've just survived my first crown. On week three of tooth ache though, more like nerve ache where the shot was put in. Well, three shots. Hope I can skip root canals

  2. Yay! I'm glad there were no zings this time :)
